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Friday, May 23, 2008

Tornados Sting the Bees

A sunny evening hosted Thursday's game against the Bees - a much improved defensive team sporting bumble bee yellow.

The first half of the game had The Bees playing fully Defensive as they were able to stop countless shots from the storming Tornados. Kyle, Madison and Joey were able to put a few strong shots on goal while Lawrence and Riley returned volleys with the long-hitting Bees' goalie.

Lea, Jonathan and Owen raced after the ball all evening as Luke and Troy gave the Bees a workout with their fast pace and hard shots.

And it looks like the post-game practice from last week paid off as Aaron and Jace teamed up to score a pair of goals from just inside the big goalie box. Great job!

Keep up the good work Tornados - you all should be very proud of yourselves!

And a note to the parents: On June 13th, AYSO will be holding its annual soccer Picnic at Memorial Park (Masonic and Jefferson). This will be a pot-luck style event, so bring a dish to pass on June 13 at 5 pm. If you have any questions about the picnic, we'll talk about it after next Thursday's game.