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Friday, June 6, 2008

Tornados Beat the Stingers

Today was round 1 of the AYSO tournament, and the Tornados showed up to do two things: Have fun and run like crazy!

After some nice passing from Troy, Aaron quickly got the game started with a speedy goal that beat the goalie to the far side. Emma followed up with some fancy footwork that confounded the goalie allowing for our second goal.

Meanwhile Owen and Kyle put on the pressure defensively as Rylie, Jonathan and Christopher pummeled the ball at midfield. Joey and Lawrence kept pace with the Stingers' fast midfielders, and they stole the ball numerous times to give Luke and Madison a few attempts at the net.
By the way - the mom who brought the grapes for the halftime snack - way to go! Those were great!

Anyway, back to the game...

Lawrence got to play goal again, and booted a few balls close to midfield to give our streaking forwards some great opportunities. One came to Jace who sent one home and followed it up with another quick one.

Thanks to all the cheering from the Moms, Dads, Grandmas, Grampas, Aunts, Uncles, siblings, cousins & friends... the Tornados got a well deserved win!